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Date de fin

The patrimonialization of the VAB, as approached by the SHS (archaeology, social anthropology and law), questions in particular the conflicts of use and appropriation of these remains. The BONES team is a forerunner in these issues and has been involved in the implementation and management of the PAOHCE Project (working group on the implementation of protocols for sampling and analysis of human bones and on the conservation of samples) since 2020 thanks to Y. Ardagna.

After the recent publications of the laboratory and the organization of the colloquium on the management of new study techniques (June 2022), our research will develop (from 2023) around the impact of destructive sampling and the recurrent ethical issues related to the scientific exploitation of HAV (collaboration with the team Bodies, Standards, Health). In addition, the team is involved in the recommendation sheets for the management / conservation of Anthropo-Biological Vestiges by the Ministry of Culture(https://www.culture.gouv.fr/Thematiques/Archeologie/Ressources-documentaires/Conservation-des- vestiges-archeologiques-mobiliers).

In the extension of the ArcheoFor program, winner of an ECOS grant during the previous contract(https://archeofor.hypotheses.org/), a comparative project (Europe / Latin America) based on the collaboration between E. Anstett and Pr J. Lopez Mazz of the University of the Republic (Uruguay) and dealing with the various stakes (scientific, political, societal and cultural) of patrimonialization and restitution of VAB will be presented for financing to the ECOS-South committee (2024-2026). Within this framework, two study days will be held (in Marseille in 2024 and in Montevideo in 2025) which will allow the preparation of a collective volume to be published by 2026.


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