Functionality of immune system gene polymorphism and its implications in rejection mechanisms


Date de début


Date de fin

This project is led by Julie Di Cristofaro (PhD, HDR, CR EFS), Christophe Picard, (MD, PhD, HDR, EFS) and Pascal Pedini (PharmD, PhD, EFS), it benefits from many collaborations, including that with the team of Pr Pascal Chanez (APHM, INSERM, C2VN). It has 2 components:

Fundamental research" component, which allows to improve the knowledge on the factors involved in the inter-individual variability of the immune response.

Its objective is to explore the expression of HLA pseudogenes in cellular models free of HLA molecules expression by lentiviral genetic modification and to explore their immune modulating potential by cytotoxicity assays and to study the regulation of the expression of non-classical HLA molecules and their receptors such as LILRs within immune cells or not


Study of the cellular and soluble expression of receptors and ligands in the context of grafting and transplantation, according to genetics, tissue and cell type, the state of cellular activation and environmental factors

  • :
    Public sequencing data from model populations (1,000 Genomes Project: sequencing data, RNAseq expression data, and lymphoblastic cells)
  • Analyses of samples from 1) blood donors in the PACA-Corsica region, 2) hematopoietic stem cells, 3) organ donors as well as 4) transfused and transplanted patients
  • .

Type of financing
